
My Blog

Authentic Connections, Boundaries, and Relationships

Is My Marriage Worth Saving? One Womanā€™s Dilemma and My Advice ama ask me anything marriage relationship advice toxic relationships Oct 06, 2024

Dear Dr. Julie, I caught my husband talking to another female twice. He changed his number because he said he wants to salvage our marriage. I don’t know if I feel the same way anymore. He’s hurt me so many times after we got married. He has disappeared on me for days, wasted so...

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Recovering From Infidelity ama ask me anything relationship advice relationship tips toxic relationships Jul 13, 2024

Dear Dr. Julie: I discovered my husband had cheated on me with a (supposed) woman on the internet. He says she lives in Tennessee and nothing happened physically. As it turns out she was scamming him for money, which he sent to her. I can get over that part, it’s the things he texted...

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I'm taking my work stress out on my husband. How do I stop? ask me anything effective communication marriage perspective relationship advice toxic relationships Jul 06, 2023

Dear Dr. Julie: My boss drives me crazy and when I get home from work I find that I take it out on my husband. I'm cranky with him and he doesn't deserve to be treated that way. What can I do?

--Unintentionally Cranky

Dear Unintentionally Cranky: I think we've all been in this situation! Our...

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Types of Abusive Relationships effective communication healthy relationships relationship advice relationship tips relationships resilience self-improvement toxic relationships trauma Jun 17, 2023

Do you ever feel like your relationship isn't what it used to be? The dynamics are off, and something's not quite right, but you can't seem to put your finger on it? You might be in an abusive relationship. Abuse can take many forms – physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse all happen...

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What to do if your feelings upset your partner ama ask me anything boundaries effective communication emotional health healthy relationships life lessons perspective relationship advice relationship tips toxic relationships Apr 13, 2023

Dear Dr. Julie, I feel like every time I try to express my feelings to my partner, he becomes defensive or shuts down, which makes me feel unheard and invalidated. I love him and want to build a strong and healthy relationship, but I'm unsure how to approach this situation. Do you have any advice...

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