
My Blog

Authentic Connections, Boundaries, and Relationships

What is an Inner Critic? authenticity people pleasing self-improvement self-worth Aug 31, 2024

The inner critic—those persistent, nagging thoughts that tell you "you're not good enough," "this is all your fault," or "you’ll never succeed"—isn’t a voice you were born with. Instead, it develops over time, often rooted in the experiences and environments we grow up in....

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Crush Your Inner Critic and Build Self-Trust authenticity emotional health people pleasing self-improvement self-worth Aug 29, 2024

Do you ever find yourself doubting your decisions, second-guessing your abilities, or feeling like you just aren’t good enough? Many people struggle with self-trust, and a powerful inner critic often lies at the root of this struggle. Rather than helping you improve, this internal voice can...

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4 Strategies for Better Emotion Regulation authenticity emotional health people pleasing people-pleasers self-improvement Aug 21, 2024

Understanding Emotion Regulation: A Guide to Healthier Emotional Responses

Emotion regulation is managing and responding to emotional experiences healthily and effectively. It’s not about changing how you feel but how you respond to those feelings. This involves understanding your emotions,...

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What is Passive-Aggressive Behavior? effective communication emotional health people pleasing Aug 14, 2024

Passive-aggressive behavior is a way of expressing anger, resentment, or similar emotions without appearing outwardly angry or resentful. This communication style allows the person to express their feelings without risking direct conflict. Even if the receiver of the passive-aggressive statement...

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Being Nice or People-Pleasing? authenticity people pleasing people-pleasers self-improvement Jul 28, 2024

Being nice and helping others should result in better relationships.

However, did you know that being overly nice or too helpful can disconnect you from those you want to be close to?

I'm not suggesting that you stop being kind, but if you find yourself constantly putting others' needs above...

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Master Boundaries by Using Loving Detachment boundaries emotional health people pleasing people-pleasers perspective self-improvement Jul 24, 2024

As a people-pleaser, you may constantly prioritize others' needs above your own, often at the expense of your well-being. This pattern can lead to resentment, burnout, and strained relationships.

However, a powerful concept can help you strike a balance: loving detachment.

What is Loving...

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